Wendy's favorite quotes

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."— Dr. Seuss

Monday, April 20, 2020

Wendy is reading chapters of The Wish And The Peacock FREE for quarantined kids!

Chapter Read alouds 
Shadow Mountain Publishing has given permission for Wendy to read chapters from The Wish And The Peacock online for FREE for everyone who is stuck in quarantine! These chapters will ONLY be up until June 30th 2020, so be sure to watch them before then.

Wendy includes a little about her farm with every video 
(at the start for chapters 1 & 2, and at the end for chapters 3 on) 
The peacock in the picture above is Wendy's REAL live peacock, named Royal--and you get to see him and other animals and machinery as the chapters progress. 

Wendy will update each chapter video HERE.

Wendy's youtube channel has other videos up with Author Q&A's and a really funny video where she and her kids explain "How (not) To Drive A Tractor."
Stay safe out there! 

What are you reading right now?